Grant Info for People’s Coop Market

Our transparency meeting on Sunday 05-26-24 we gave out a lot of information on the LFPA grant that we were awarded. Here is the Video from our meeting along with our info sheets. These contain additional clarity around the financials with the grant and the issues with the grantors Indiana Department of Health (IDOH) & the UDSA. Additionally these info sheets should help to clear up the inconsistencies, misinformation that certain individuals in the article fueled by the HT spread, along with unfounded online chat room rumors.
IDOH Grant Transparency Session 05-26-24 (Click the link)

People's Market is committed to our mission of feeding those in need in our community by supporting BIPOC farmers in Indiana. We know there are many people who understand this mission and will seek us out to help fulfil it. The willful misunderstanding of those in our community who have always been against us and those whose lack of self work and intersectional anti-racism are pitted against us only make us MORE sure of our mission & goals.

WE remain committed to transparency and accountability to the grants we seek to fulfil our mission.

Coming to People's Market on Saturdays from 9am to 1pm is the best way to LEARN more about what we do and how we do it.

Our Info Sheets